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Kimberly Hardy-Watson

Kimberly Hardy Watson is the Founder and Senior Pastor of Victorious Living Fellowship,Incorporated a developing Bible believing Christian ministry based in New York City with a mission to help people live a fruitful, Spirit-led life by growing in the Word of God and developing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. “Pastor Kym’s” passion is to see the reflection of Jesus Christ in the life and character of each Believer and the vision of her ministry is to “raise up networks of victorious over-comers who will lead others to a victorious life in Jesus Christ.”


With over 25 years of leadership in ministry, Pastor Kym’s love, reverence and practical application of God’s Word in everyday living have made her a gifted teacher, counselor and expositor of the Word. She has a heart for outreach ministry and particularly with individuals re-entering community from incarceration, rehabilitation and homelessness. Pastor Kym is a member of For His Glory Apostolic Fellowship, a consortium of churches and ministries under the leadership and spiritual covering of the Apostle Penny Artis Young.


With four decades of experience in children and family services, primarily in residential services for youth (including teen parents) and foster care, adoptive and preventive services for families, Kym is an Executive leader at a leading NYC non-profit organization. Pastor Kym holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Fordham University and a Master’s degree in Public Administration from Baruch College. Pastor Kym and her husband, Gary have been married for thirty-two years. Together they have raised six children and are unashamed doting grandparents of seven.


Divinely Beautiful

At Divinely Beautiful we are Advocates for Life. We endeavor to reach vulnerable women and men, to provide hope and true empowerment by meeting their time of need with Love, Compassion, and Understanding and  through partnership with Life Affirming Pregnancy Services & Resource Centers

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